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Abril 2024

Use of Fasching & Vanek's Geological-Engineering Classification of Fault Rocks in Open Pit Mining

Trabajo presentado en el VII Simposio Peruano de Geoingeniería.Por: G. Zúñiga, Skava Consulting, Santiago, Chile.AbstractOne of the main challenges facing engineering geology...

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English Version

Influence of a Dike on the Generation of Induced Seismicity at the Cerro Lindo Mine.

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English Version

Ground anchors New optimized slope support systems

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English Version

Application of multiple extensometers in the geomechanical characterization of rock masses

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English versionMarzo

Stability analysis of rock blocks in mining excavations using photogrammetry, discrete fracture network (DFN) model and the app

Trabajo presentado en el VII Simposio Peruano de Geoingeniería.Por: Fredy Valeriano y Juan Mayhua, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano; David Córdova, DCR Ingenieros;...

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English versionMarzo

Pull Down - Optimization of drilling and blasting at Newmont Yanacocha

Por: Roberto Quispe Pérez y Alejandro Huamanchumo Pinedo, Newmont Yanacocha.Today's mining industry demands that all companies seek to optimize their processes in...

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English versionMarzo

Optimization of the comminution process in underground mining through the application of the Mine to Mill methodology

Por: Edwin Cereceda Espinoza, Jesús Guerra Molina y Edgard Atencia Daga, Sociedad Minera El Brocal.AbstractMining is currently in a scenario where resources...

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English versionFebrero

Mine to Tailings: A new concept in long-term sustainability

Por: Hilario Gorvenia y Eduardo Ku, Metso.AbstractTailings management is an integral issue in the mining industry (Geology, Mine Operations, Concentrator Plant, Tailings...

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