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Trabajo presentado en el VII Simposio Peruano de Geoingeniería.
Por: Richard Huayta Pacco y Sonia Bautista Carrascosa, Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Pablo Meza Arestegui, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa.


Slope stability in engineering geology is one of the most important and abundant problems that this profession seeks to solve. Throughout history, different methods and techniques have been designed to provide stability to land with natural slopes or artificial slopes called stripping. One of the most common techniques today, and one that is relatively young, is ground anchoring. 

The document presented below reviews the existing anchor types up to the most recent versions, thus understanding the different types of anchors and their current classifications or subgroupings. It also presents one of the most recent developments in this technique and postulates future trends in anchoring materials. 

Finally, and for a clear understanding of the conceptual design process of anchors, a practical case is stated, analyzed and solved according to the regulations dictated by the guide for the design and execution of ground anchors in road works, developed by the General Directorate of Roads attached to the Ministry of Development in Spain, this standard is par excellence an international benchmark in conceptual designs of anchors. This practical exercise will be subjected to a serious analysis, in which the results of conventional reinforcement will be compared with the proposed reinforcement. 

The conclusions therefore show us how to optimize the stability of slopes with ground anchors and generate a research proposal, since as is natural in engineering sciences, the philosophy of constant improvement and optimization of resources are vital axes of Geological Engineering.

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